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📬 Why does the tracking show a parcel as delivered, but I haven't received it?Updated 7 months ago

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. There are a few factors why this error is showing up.

  1. The parcel was indeed delivered either on your porch or a family member or your closest neighbor was able to pick up or receive the delivery. We highly encourage you to reach out to your family and neighbors.
  2. The parcel has arrived in your local post office and is being handled by the local mailman. Sometimes they mark the parcel as delivered in the system and have it delivered within the day (please notify us as we are addressing this issue with the post office). 
  3. The parcel was delivered to an incorrect shipping address and you have provided an incomplete or incorrect shipping address when you place the order. 
  4. The parcel was delivered to the correct shipping address and someone from the neighborhood might have stolen the parcel. With this, reach out immediately to your local post office and file a complaint and request for the non-delivery document from them. You can email us for the copy of the file so we can process a reshipment for you.

Whichever the reason is, email us immediately at [email protected]

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